70mai EU

A810 Battery Bundle

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Christmas Offer: 30% Off the Ultimate Bundle!
Code expires: December 31


The A810 Battery Bundle includes an A810 dash cam, an RC12 rear cam, a parking hardwire, and a battery pack.

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True 4K Image Quality

Fulfilled by the advanced 8-megapixel 4K UHD sensor, the A810 captures four times as many pixels as Full HD resolution.

*70mai attaches great importance to personal privacy. The shown vehicle is a 70mai's test car.

70mai Night Owl Vision™

An exclusive technology that produces night image with higher clarity, lower noise, balanced exposure and better glare control.

HDR Dual-Channel

Front 4K HDR and rear 1080P HDR give maximum coverage of the road, providing superior image clarity, enhanced color accuracy, and a significantly improved balance of exposure levels.

AI Motion Detection

AI motion detection algorithm calculates distance and intention of nearby individuals. Activate recording when potential threat detected, providing hard evidence of emergencies caused by humans.

Time-Lapse Recording

Parking mode compresses 15 mins into 1 to save memory card space. Simultaneous front and rear camera recording supported*. Catch noteworthy events instantly**.

*Compatible rear cam: RC11/RC12.

**Hardwire Kit UP03 requested.

Easy to install

No fuss, no muss, just simple and fast installation.

In The Box

Shot on Dash Cam 4K A810



Video Resolution


Screen Resolution


Product Size

500mAh Li-ion


-10°C - 60°C

Working Temperature

3-Inch IPS

Screen Size


Image Sensor







70mai Night Owl Vision™
MaiColor Vivid+ Solution™️
Smart Parking Guardian Mode
AI Motion/Collision Detection
Loop Recording
Emergency Recording
Time-Lapse Recording
Share Video
Route Tracking
APP Control
Built-in GPS
G Sensor
Shoot Photo

70mai Memory Card

Tailored for 70mai dash cam, 70mai micro SD card is durable and reliable, with high performance in repeated writing cycles. It reduces the risk of losing important recordings due to card errors.


Find the answers of most asked questions here.

Why does the dash cam not turn on when powered?

The possible reasons are as follows:
1) This Dash Cam has a self-protection function. When the temperature is detected to be too high, it will not respond to the power-on action, please use it after the temperature is normal.
2) Please check whether the vehicle charger and power cord are abnormal.
3) After the vehicle is auto-off when no movement, you need to manually press the power button to turn on the Dash Cam when you start the vehicle next time.

What is the supercapacitor solution? What are the pros and cons of the supercapacitor and lithium battery?

The application of the supercapacitor is the combined use of button batteries and the supercapacitors. The supercapacitor itself can store very little power. It will shut down immediately after power cut, risking the possibility that critical footages cannot finish recording in extreme conditions.
The application of the lithium battery is using lithium batteries as a backup power source. Even when the power is cut off, the dash cam will still be able to finish recording the emergency video. The drawback is that lithium batteries do not discharge well under extremely high or low temperatures.
We believe that the priority of the dash cam is capturing footage even in extreme conditions, so we chose the lithium battery solution and equipped it with precise safety protection logic. However, based on extensive user feedback, 70mai will explore the supercapacitor solution in future products.

Why HDR cannot be used after turning on 60FPS?

The principle of HDR realization determines that under the setting of HDR+30fps, the frame encoding calculation is equivalent to 60fps; If HDR and 60fps are turned on at the same time, the main control encoding processing capacity of mainstream Dash Cam is insufficient, therefore the two cannot be turned on concurrently.

What are the benefits of HDR?

This model of Dash Cam has hardware-level HDR capability, which can greatly optimize the imaging effect of the following scenes with strong contrast between light and dark:
 - Access to tunnels and underground garages during the sunny day;
- Direct headlights on license plates at night; - Shadow imaging of road objects in areas with strong sunlight.

What are the differences among collision detection, motion detection and time-lapse photography? 

Parking surveillance, time-lapse photography and motion detection are the corresponding working modes of this model of Dash Cam for different parking security scenarios. The Dash Cam supports the following functions alone or all enabled after detecting the vehicle flameout, to guard your vehicle in all aspects:
1) Collision detection: The Dash Cam will be in standby mode without recording after flameout, but when the built-in gravity sensor (G-sensor) detects abnormal vibration of the vehicle (usually the vehicle is collided), it triggers the recording of a 30-second-long parking surveillance video, and stores it in the parking surveillance video folder of the device album.
2) Motion detection: The Dash Cam will be in standby mode without recording when flameout. When the image algorithm running continuously on the Dash Cam detects a threatening scene to the vehicle and determines that the threat level has reached the level that needs to be recorded, it will trigger the recording of a 30-second-long parking surveillance video and store it in the parking surveillance video folder of the device album.
3) Time-lapse photography: When this function is turned on, the Dash Cam continuously shoots frames at a sampling rate of one frame per second (when the video recording frame rate is set to 30 fps) or one frame every 500 milliseconds (when the video recording frame rate is set to 60 fps) when the after flameout, and then combines them into a 30 fps or 60 fps video file, i.e. time-lapse photography video, and stores it in the time-lapse photography video folder of the device album. Time-lapse photography can continuously record the situation in the field of view of the Dash Cam, and playback the video at a speed equivalent to thirty times the real-world time flow, in case there is an abnormal event, it can well record the entire cause and effect as proof of evidence.

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